Monday, November 5, 2007

MIT's Department of Materials Science explores the Frontiers of Energy Storage Materials...

This Friday, Nov 9, 11-2PM in 35-225, the MIT Department of Materials Science & Engineering will host the first event in its "Frontiers of Materials Science" syposium series:

Materials for Energy: Materials Challenges, New Developments, and Potential Solutions to the Energy Problem

11AM: Ernie Moniz, head of the MIT Energy Initiative will set the stage for the broader energy problem

11:30AM: DMSE Prof Gerd Ceder, battery materials expert and world leader in using computational techniques to discover novel high performance battery materials, will speak about the opportunities that exist in developing new materials to help solve the materials challenge - one can only imagine that he will talk about 1.) batteries, 2.) fuel cells, 3.) hydrogen storage, 4.) thermoelectrics, and 5.) catalysts??

12:15PM: DMSE Prof Yet-Ming Chiang, technology founder of A123 Systems, will speak about the opportunity that new developments in battery materials hold for finally enabling an electric vehicle revolution. (His company is working very closely with GM as it develops the first mass manufactured plug-in hybrid vehicle, the Chevy Volt).

1:00PM: Northeastern Prof Sanjeev Mukerjee will, I believe, be speaking about the latest development in PEM fuel cells.....

Should be a great event!

More doubts about EEStor....

More doubts coming out all the time about the legitimacy of EEStor's solid state capacitor technology....